Is Black Agate and original hakik stone the Same Stone?


The black banded agate, or original hakik stone, is a powerful stabilizer that balances the Root Chakra. It has been used for centuries as a protection stone against negative spirits and negative thoughts. It is a highly resistant stone and is also used in jewelry. It helps people recognize their true and untrue friends and promotes emotional stability. It has powerful healing powers and is associated with the planet Rahu and the god Shiva.

original hakik stone

Black Agate is a microcrystalline form of quartz. It has a specific gravity of 2.6–2.7 and is translucent. Its chemical formula is SiO2. It has a hardness rating of seven and a hexagonal crystal system. It can be found in all mineral environments, but is most common in igneous rocks.

Original hakik stone has long been used to treat illnesses and quench thirst. It was also used by Persian magicians to divert storms. It also strengthens the heart, nerves, and capillaries. It is also said to help the Mooladhara Chakra.

Original hakik stone is an auspicious stone that is believed to protect against bad spirits and evil eye energies. It also improves your judgment, and is regarded as useful in maintaining good relationships. It is also said to increase your focus and enhance your performance in the workplace.

The stone is commonly used for jewellery. It is often worn in silver rings and is said to protect against the evil eye and magic. It is also often threaded into a rosary. A black agate rosary is useful for protection against the evil eye. It can also be used in tantra.

This original hakik stone is an effective protection against negativity and improves the aura of the wearer. It also helps to heal various ailments and promotes overall well-being. It strengthens bones and muscles and prevents critical diseases. It also promotes mental peace and eliminates mental distress.



Ratanrashi - Sudhanshuji ratan evam rudraksha
Ratanrashi - Sudhanshuji ratan evam rudraksha

Written by Ratanrashi - Sudhanshuji ratan evam rudraksha

I am astrologer. I have 10+ year experience in astrology industry. I have my own website . Our services are consulting about gemstone, Vaastu

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